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Schwarzenegger: Health Care System to be run by Government

Arnold Schwarzenegger, declared to veto a bill regarding the health care system to run by the government of US.

As told by Sen. Sheila Kuehl, the bill is to provide a new health insurance program to all citizens of California by obstructing the services of private health insurance plans.

According to Schwarzenegger, health care problems of the state cannot be solved through socialization; rather making an outstanding redirection of funds from public and private sources by formulating a new bureaucracy taken over by the health insurance and medical care for state people.

He told his concern about the rising health-care costs and if re-elected would create programs to comprehend to medical expenses.

But criticized by Kuehl, bill would provide limited choice to consumer and moreover Schwarzenegger’s efforts winning political battle, working with democrats on various bills creating scope for re-election campaign


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