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Fruits during mealtimes for children are more beneficial

Children should eat more fruits and it is better to eat fruits at dinner time, as per the study done by Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences of Auckland University. The study found that children get more iron from fruit depending on when they eat it.

Toddlers need fruit for iron, which helps development of their brains. The report said children who are given fruit or juice as part of their regular meals have a higher level of iron in their blood than those that eat fruit at other times of the day, or not at all.

The reason appears to be that your body is primed for maximum absorption of nutrients during regular mealtimes, but less so at other times. The Vitamin C in fruit actually helps the absorption of iron. The study analyzed data from interviews with 405 New Zealand families about their toddlers’ food and general habits and compared the information to laboratory measures of their iron status.

Those children that ate fruit at meal times had better iron status than those who ate fruit as a snack or not at all.

So, next time you serve your child a fruit, do ensure that it is also the mealtime.

Via : Chinaview

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