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Get a buddy… or you would die young!

Daniel Defoe’s ‘Robinson Crusoe’ may enjoy spending his days in desolation; but not you, as all it would bring to your health is wreak, nothing more than that, pushing you closer to death!

This claim by American scientists came after they used a ‘gene chip’ to study DNA of people having lonely lives. As per the conclusion, chronically lonely often have weaker immune system that often turn them vulnerable to unhealthy levels of chronic inflammation associated with heart and artery disease, arthritis and Alzheimer’s, even.

Finding, certainly, gives quite significant issue for debate, but it remains unclear whether it is loneliness that leads to such physical traits or genetic disposition that results in loneliness, finally paving the way for such physical traits.

Whatever the cause is, but we can’t get away form the fact that our social network has the capability to assist us when we need mental and emotional support. For instance, when you fall ill your friends, neighbors or colleagues come forward offering a helping hand or asking whether you took medicine or not, how your health is now, how is your life going on… On the contrary, a strange kind of vapidity creeps into lonely lives creating a vacuum, which is filled often by desperation and sorrow. These different forms of emotional assistance often do wonders!

So, come out from your loneliness. Just find a pal to share your feelings and drink life to its lees, in a healthy way!



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