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Flu vaccines turning ineffective: Who to blame?

flu vacines
Each new day is likely to enhance the inextricability of flu, as vaccines available to noose the deadly virus are fast loosing their potentials, claims the World Health Organization.

Is it victory of H5N1 virus over medical science or was their lack of determination in our strategy that it couldn’t embank the gushing inundation of this deadly virus. Indeed, the question is as confounding as the disease itself! The global spread of H5N1 in 2006 that splashed on the globe reeling off a woeful series of pandemics, which seems to flow out farther and farther with its end, still, not round the corner. In such a situation, WHO’s remark confirms that in fight between bird-flu and medical science, of course, it’s deadly bird-flu that has been taking the lead since it jumped into the sphere. Notably, WHO’s this statement comes at a time when, according to CDC, forty-four states have reported widespread influenza and around 10 American kids have died of flu so far, in the current season.

Presently, four antiviral drugs are there, known to curb the flu spread, effectively. However, claim by the WHO that H1N1 viruses in 18 countries had developed mutations, resisting the effects of the best drugs, sounds an alarm-bell for the health authorities, worldwide. Therefore, an ever-growing need to revamp our fight/strategy against deadly virus is seeing us in the face. Isn’t it?



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