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Exercise may help quit smoking!

Quitting smoking often seems an ordeal for the smokers. But do you know, regular exercise may suffice your purpose. Actually, this is radical belief of Australian researchers.

Ralf H. Zwick, MD. And colleagues at Otto Wagner Hospital in Vienna, Australia took into consideration about 68 smokers who were willing to quit smoking. All of those were given nicotine treatment to help them quit smoking and half of those smokers were also made to work out. The results were amazing. Those smokers who were having nicotine replacement along with regular exercise they find it easier to quite smoking than the smokers who were just relying on nicotine replacement.

So the conclusion that peeps out is that exercise may be effective in quitting smoking.

The interesting thing about this exercise therapy is that it does have no side effect, but just positive effects. So get ready to workout if you really wish to quit smoking

Image credit: bestofhealth

Via: foxnews

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