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Dads too 'pass on' breast cancer genes to daughters

breast cancer genes can come from father 9

Cancer forming in tissues of the breast or as commonly called, breast cancer is increasing concerns with new cases found to be 178,480 in female and 2,030 in male alone in the United States in 2007, till date.

The shocking statistics reveal an estimation of 40,460 females and 450 males being killed this year alone! – according to the National Cancer Institute.

But, how many of the victims of the disease have ever guessed the path of the deadly gene, what scientists have come with just recently? – Many must be thinking of their breast cancer striking out of nowhere.

No, surprising in itself, the fact is that, it may have actually come from your ‘Dad!’

Though, men’s getting genetic breast cancer may not be common, passing down their faulty gene down silently to their daughters, “interestingly” is a common phenomenon.

Surprised by new unexpected genetic path finding, the Early Show medical correspondent Dr. Emily Senay said,

Knowing about your genetic history, knowing if you carry these genes is vitally important because it will dictate how doctors go about treating you and how they go about monitoring you and even preventing the development of breast and ovarian cancer. This is critical information.

This study opens up platform for both physicians and patients to argue on insurance carriers – though it’s always reasonable to test, covered by benefit—even if there’s no history of breast cancer within the family.


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