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Cultivate these habits to keep your food lust in check

It is more than difficult to control the craving for foods, but you cannot give in to the lustful urges or else you will lose those perfectly toned curves in no time. Most of us have experienced days and even weeks when we could not resist the temptation of comfort foods such as chocolates, desserts or salty treats.

 lady eating meatballs

Fried foods, cheese and red meat also top the list of most tempting foods. As a result, we are unable to keep track of consumed calories and workout sessions fail to offer the expected results. Instead of losing fat, we start putting on more weight. For countering the attraction of foods and restraining your food lust, some tips have been discussed in the following.

Don’t eat while watching TV

 Relaxed young couple watching television in their living room

Eating while you are watching your favorite shows on TV is a big folly. Even if you decide to eat only a small cube of chocolate or two to three pieces of chips, you will end up eating the entire chocolate or packet full of chips. Instead of eating, do small chores around the room. Be careful not to eat while reading or watching videos, especially cookery shows. The cookery shows where you see curvy women rustling up lovely desserts may tempt you to let go off the self-control and binge on favorite treats.

Choose restaurants and cafes carefully

 couple taking meal in restaurant

Several restaurants and cafes tempt customers to choose fat laden snacks and do not offer many nutritious choices. Pick restaurants that offer several smart eating options for the health and figure conscious customers. Order grilled or baked foods instead of fried foods. Also, skip cheese dips, mayonnaise and sauces as they are full of unhealthy fats and calories.

Train your brain

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Our brain craves what gives us pleasure. It is the natural effect of evolution and we can hardly do anything about it. As you cannot change the function of the brain, you will have to train it properly and teach it what is more important to you. Eat less of the calorie laden foods that you love. Try to resist the temptation for at least 15 minutes. This will train the brain and send a message that not eating it is more important to you. Also, use your willpower to exercise in some manner every day. When you show your brain what is more important, and strengthen your desire for better appearance, it helps you in controlling the lust.

Eat slowly

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Sometimes when we gobble foods, we fail to recognize that our stomach has become full. It takes some time for the signal to reach our brain from the tummy. In this time gap, we eat up food that our body does not need. Eat slowly and chew well. Even if you are very hungry, try to reduce the pace of eating. When the brain understands that your tummy is full, your craving vanishes naturally.

Make healthy choices

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Nothing beats conscious and relentless efforts to make healthy choices. Review what your fridge and pantry has. Replace the unhealthy foods with better and healthier choices. For example, make dips using yogurt and herbs instead of eating sauces and buy fresh, organic vegetables. Ask your friends to join you for workout. For example, go for hiking, running or participate in marathons. Often we meet friends for activities that involve food. If you change the nature of your meetings with friends then naturally you will eat less fast food.


It is difficult to control food cravings but with continuous efforts, you can achieve this goal. Be conscious and weigh yourself regularly. Do not completely stop eating your favorites but opt for healthier versions.

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