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Is cold shower an anti aging remedy?



There have been numerous discussions that emphasize on the effectiveness of cold shower in lowering down the aging process in an individual. But there are controversies too in this respect that state that cold shower can be detrimental for the skin and health as well. What is most important to realize in this context is that you need to know the correct techniques of cold shower in order to enjoy its benefits. It improves and tones the skin and muscles that fight aging process.

Cold shower: The anti aging secret

By the term aging, only skin aging is not taken into consideration. It is the aging process of the various internal organs too that is hinted at. Therefore, the benefits of cold shower is felt in the improved functioning and betterment of the various organs as well as the skin of face and body.

1. Improves lymph drainage and blood circulation

It has been found out that regular cold shower improves the functioning of the lymphatic drainage system and sympathetic nervous system. Thus, the regular circulation of blood through the veins is ensured and the undisturbed lymph drainage system expels out toxins from the body. Consequently, the skin glows with youth.

2. Improves sleep

Regular adherence to cold water bath has also shown considerable results as an analgesic that soothes the nerves in the most natural way, without the fear of any harmful side effects. Thus, it also leads to an improved quality of sleep, that ultimately improves the texture of skin and prevents appearance of dark circles around eyes.

3. Increase in brown fat cells

The brown fat cells, which have dense concentration of mitochondria, is one of the key elements in determination of aging process in human beings. A greater percentage of brown fat cells lead to youthfulness while a decrease in the same causes aging. So, it is evident that new born babies and infants have highest concentrations of brown fat cells in their body. Absence of cold simulation also leads to decrease in the concentration of brown fat cells untimely, thereby causing aging. So, if you wish to keep aging process at bay, get into the practice of regular cold shower.

4. Better moisture retention and oxygen absorption

Studies further suggest that cold shower bath opens up the pores of the skin. This further leads to better absorption of oxygen by the skin and retention of moisture within the pores so that skin remains hydrated and does not develop wrinkles and fine lines.

Cold shower: Water blues

While certain medical researches underline the role of cold water shower as a natural anti aging remedy, but there are other views too that state that cold water shower can cause several health hazards as well. Such theories vote for the use of lukewarm water in place of too cold or hot water, otherwise which some complications may arise.

1. Eating disorder can be aggravated

Eating disorder is often caused by the extreme urge to remain slim and thus fight the natural process of aging. Medical reports suggest that if victims suffering from the same keep on using cold water therapy, it can aggravate the situation and even lead to mental stress and depression.

2. Disturbance in the metabolic activities

A healthy metabolic activity is the root factor of youthfulness. Although cold water shower helps in keeping the system regularized, but those who are underweight must stay away from cold water bath. Since majority of underweight people suffer from metabolic disorders so their body is incapable of producing enough heat to withstand the low temperature of cold water.

3. Muscle cramping and ugly stretch marks

Exercise is the integral part of staying fit and healthy. But those who are thinking to adopt the having of bathing in cold water, must stay away from the same immediately after a workout. Workout increases body heat and leads to the increase in the intensity of blood flow within the nerves and muscles. Thus, when you shift over to cold water shower immediately after the workout, it might disturb the flow of blood due to unnatural drop of body temperature. This will eventually cause muscle cramping. It has also been found out that following this faulty practice for longer time might also lead to ugly stretch marks, which is rather a stain on youthful appearance.

The beauty note

Cold water as an anti aging therapy can only be felt if you know the perfect technique to direct it to healthier options. But lack of knowledge and novice attitude in shifting over to the regular habit of cold shower can often bring about detrimental results for the health as well. So prior information in this matter is extremely essential.

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