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Chlamydia STD threat worsens in US

a sign of chlamydia

An alarming number of more than a million patients in the U.S. suffering from chlamydia were reported and certainly a concern that must be resolved.

This was based on the 2006 report given by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention. Critics said such number tells us that chlamydia is a serious threat to sexually active individuals.

They added public awareness campaigns must be addressed and patients must be tested for chlamydia and other bacterial infections. Reports claimed the spread of the disease can be blamed partially to the physician’s general failure to check some symptoms and provide tests to determine possible bacterial infections to the patients.

At the same time, helpful public campaigns against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) must be established to help the people be aware of chlamydia’s threats.

In 2006, around 19 million STD patients were reported with half of them belonging to the younger age bracket between 15 and 24.

Chlamydia in its early stages of infection is not easily noticeable, but eventually it can cause the patients with pelvic irritation and swelling and may lead to infertility. But with a series of testing this can be identified and treatment can be made available.

Dr. John Douglas, director of STD prevention at the CDC, said his recent calculation, along with his colleagues, on unreported cases of chlamydia last year may probably be closer to 2.8 million based on their estimated count of 348 cases per 100,000 people who were undiagnosed with the disease.

In relation to this, the cost for STD patients for 2006 was pegged at $15 billion according to CDC.

The Seattle Times Company

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