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Cannabis compound may fight lung cancer

Smoking marijuana is never good for the lungs but ingredient found in marijuana may help fight lung cancer, the most lethal of all cancers worldwide, according to researchers.
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Harvard University researchers have found that, in both laboratory and mouse studies, delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cut lung tumour growth in half and helped prevent the cancer from spreading. There was also a significant reduction in protein markers found associated with tumor growth and metastasis.

THC is the main active ingredient of Cannabis sativa -marijuana. The ingredient seems to have a suppressive effect on certain lines of cancer cells.

The finding builds on the recent discovery of the body’s own cannabinoid system according to researchers. Known as endocannabinoids, the natural cannabinoids stimulate appetite and control pain and inflammation.

According to the researchers, THC fights lung cancer by curbing epidermal growth factor (EGF), a molecule that promotes the growth and spread of particularly aggressive non-small cell lung cancers. It seems to go to (EGF) receptor sites on cells and inhibit growth.

The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Via : FOXNews.com

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