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'Calcitriol' Vitamin D compound may reduce Blood clots in Cancer patients!

A new solution has come for the cancer patients in reducing blood clots as a new study found that a compound of Vitamin D to reduce blood clots in cancer patients as its development can lead to critical deaths to be caused due to stroke, heart attacks. Moreover, clots in the lungs are severe disease leading to advanced cancer and cancer chemotherapy.

The activated form of vitamin D called ‘Calcitriol’ found helpful in reducing the blood clots in cancer patients.

So far trials were conducted on patients with highly developed prostate cancer, giving some patients the combination of high-dose calcitriol (DN-101) and Docetaxel drug, resulting in lesser blood clots in venous and arteries.

The finding tends to me as an outstanding piece of work useful for saving lives of several cancer patients by reducing such blood clots. Further, study requires more work to be done to find out whether the high dose of DN-101 can lead to limit the blood clots effectively or not.


Via: forbes

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