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Breast density: A herald of breast cancer!

Women with dense breast tissues are at higher risk of developing breast cancer than women with low-density tissue. This revelation by the Canadian study is somewhat shocking. As during this profound study, researchers have found a strong link between higher density of breast tissue and breast cancer, which back up the need of further investigation in this regard.

It is also noticeable that other factors like family history and the known genes have been found playing a secondary role in the eruption of breast cancer while higher density of breast tissues has emerged as the main culprit. Confirming the same factor, Boyd who is a senior scientist at Toronto’s Princess Margaret Hospital observes:

This study establishes that breast density is an extremely important risk factor for developing breast cancer… depending on a woman’s age, between 16 and 30 per cent of breast cancers can be attributed to extensive density.

Associating higher breast tissue density with increased risk of breast cancer is really an eye-opener. However, it is deplorable that scientists have not been able to give out a concrete reason to vindicate the fact propounded by them. Therefore, I still feel requirement of further study so that whole concept could be delineated clearly, which would ultimately help researchers paving way for better treatment to breast cancer.

Via: Kare 11

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