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Asthma Cures: Xolair to be injected for preventing recurring attacks

Xolair(omalizumab) is the latest drug developed by Novartis, which is to be injected into asthma patients with persistent allergic asthma, this injection creates a barrier for the antibody immunoglobulin E (IgE), which boosts the allergic build up in the bronchial tubes leading to asthma attacks.
At the outset when 1,400 people die from asthma each year in the UK, while 69,000 are admitted to hospital, this injection would help in lowering the recurring attacks of asthma.
But at the same time asthma is a chronic disease which can be kept at bay by the help of proper breathing diseases and other exercises that can boost the immune system of the body.

Read More: Scotsman

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