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American women aren't getting enough sleep

Do you feel lezzy, tired, disinterested towards sex and chatting to friends? What do you said? Yes! This can be due to lack of proper sleep. According to a survey carried by National Sleep Foundation (NSF) in US in 2007 sleep affects our lives in such a way that it can ruin our moods, sex and social life. NSF team found that the American women are getting inadequate sleep due to work pressure in home and office and thus suffer serious consequences.
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The survey says as many as 60 percent of American women have trouble getting a good night’s sleep that makes them stressed, late for work, too tired for sex and with too little time for their friends. Sixty seven percent women say that they frequently experience a sleep problem. Furthermore, 43 percent women report that daytime sleepiness interferes with their regular activities.
The survey is done over telephone on 1000 of women of age group of 18 to 64 collecting data about their sleep pattern. The poll also revealed that lifestyle also plays a significant, usually negative, role in women’s sleep and daytime alertness.
The highest level of difficulty in falling asleep was reported by stay-at-home mothers, with 74% reporting symptoms of insomnia.
Some useful tips to get better sleep:
1. Consult with your doctor, as various emotional and physical factors that can affect sleep.
2. Cutting down on caffeine or reducing stress at night can make big difference
3. Dark and quiet bedroom with comfortable bedclothes would help women sleep sound.
4. Do not smoke before going to bed because nicotine can cause sleep problem.
5. Avoid foods and drinks high in caffeine like coffee, colas, tea and chocolate and alcohol a few hours before bedtime.


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