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4 Vitamins and minerals to avoid under eye circles



Under eye circles can be attributed to a number of reasons. The most common cause for the blue baggage, as you may call it, is the excess of hemoglobin being broken down leaving a blue residue under the eye, excessive rubbing, stress and tiredness. Proper care is needed to help control the under eye circles. Here are a few changes you can make to your diet to get rid of under eye circles. Read on and include the necessary vitamins and minerals.

1. Iron

Deficiency of iron is a cause for under eye circles. Without proper iron content, body lacks oxygen content and it results in under eye circles. It can even make your skin look pale and dull. But, once you correct this iron deficiency, the skin starts regaining its healthy color and gradually the circles disappear.

2. Vitamin K

Another important ingredient that helps to keep our eyes healthy is Vitamin K. Its deficiency is a reason behind the increase in under eye circles. Vitamin K contributes in strengthening the blood vessels and prevents them from getting any kind of damage like breakage of capillaries. One should take a good nutritious diet that is rich in vitamin k such as soybean, canola oils, Kale and broccoli.

3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a great anti oxidant that really helps your skin to look fresh and radiant. This is the reason that if you will take proper diet to recover vitamin E disorder, than it can help you to reduce the dark circles under your eye. Many a times these circles become more prominent due to puffiness. Proper consumption of this vitamin also helps to reduce under eye puffiness. This vitamin can either be consumed in the form of foods such as mustard greens, Swiss chard, Spinach, Kale and Collard Greens, nuts, Tropical fruits, red bell peppers, broccoli, and olive oil or can also be applied directly under the eye in the form of oil.

4. Other vitamins and minerals

An interesting and probably convenient option that can help you to get rid of these under eye circles is by consuming any mineral or vitamin that helps your skin to become healthy and stay young. It includes a proper diet that is rich in vitamins like Vitamin C and A which includes guavas, fresh herbs, cauliflower, kiwi fruits, and papayas, oranges for the former and sweet potato, carrots, dried apricots for the latter. These vitamins really help to tone up your skin.

It’s never too late for a good start. Make these essential vitamins and minerals an important part of your diet and they will surely help in eliminating those stubborn under eye circles. Try not to take too much stress because it will increase their intensity, just be calm and continue with proper usage of these vitamins and minerals along with giving proper rest to your eyes.

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