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19-months-old babies can imagine things they're told about: Study

babies develop magic of imagination by age 2

As your child reaches the age of 19 to 22 months, be careful while narrating them something. Or, perhaps, the good way — talk on what it is like 20000 leagues under the sea.

He will build his own world of imagination on it, without any extra effort on your part! Yes, your 19-months-old kid can picture and absorb what they’re told by 19 to 22 months. This amazing discovery is revealed by a new study.

But, what can add to your worry is the way you behave in front of your kids – they tend to learn what they see and relate to what has been told to them, unlike adults who can visualize something new, incorporating the information into his thinking and expectations.

Ah! Thus, verbal interaction to teach children needs phenomenal attention. This new study of the kid’s nascent ability will surely help expand knowledge of how they can be informed widely of the vast world.


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