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11 supplements to tackle menopausal symptoms

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More than 70% of women approaching menopause (usually in their 40s or 50s) experience symptoms such as hot flashes, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, bone loss, night sweats, mood swings, and depression. Here are 11 supplements to combat these symptoms in order to live a healthier life post menopause.

  1. Black Cohosh
    Black Cohosh, native to North America is a herb sold as a dietary supplement in the United States. It is very useful for tackling hot flashes. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has stated (on basis of expert opinion and consensus) that black cohosh may be helpful with vasomotor symptoms of menopause. Avoid it, however, if you are suffering from liver problems.
  2. Flaxseed
    Hot flashes can be tackled with flaxseed and flaxseed oil too. Flaxseed is the seed of the Flax plant. Research has shown that flaxseed can reduce hot flashes by 35% and night sweat by 44%. Flaxseed is also used to regulate the hormonal imbalance in menopausal women. Two tablespoons of flaxseed in a day, stirred into yogurt is usually recommended.
  3. Calcium
    Calcium is of utmost importance for the bone loss symptom of menopause. You need approximately 1500 milligrams of calcium a day, including the one you get from your diet. So if your daily calcium consumption is around 800mg, you need to have 700mg of calcium supplements. In menopausal women, the production of the female hormone estrogen is reduced which makes them susceptible to osteoporosis in the long run. Osteoporosis is a bone disease where the bones become brittle and break easily. It’s important that women make it a point to include lots of calcium in their diet to make up for this hormonal loss. For easier absorption, it is advisable to take small doses of calcium throughout the day than one big dose.
  4. Vitamin D
    For better absorption of calcium, you must have Vitamin D and the best natural source of this vitamin is the sun. You can go outdoors and sunbathe for a good 15 minutes in summer everyday. Wear sunscreen on your face before going out in the sun and make sure you don’t get sunburned. Additionally, vitamin D can be found in many foods. It is found in animal-based products such as dairy foods, beef liver, eggs, fish, and fish oils. It can be found in moderate amounts in vegetables such as pumpkins, broccoli, carrots, and cabbage. It is also available in small amounts in fruits like papayas, mangoes, guavas, tomatoes, watermelons, and nuts like pistachios, pecans, chestnuts.
  5. Asparagus
    Asparagus is a herb useful to curb menopausal symptoms. The roots of this herb are used to cure a lot of such symptoms. It can combat fatigue, irregular periods, and restore the balance between the mind and the body ensuring perfect health. The best part about asparagus is that it can be consumed raw, cooked, in a soup, mixed with a vegetable, in supplement form – any way you want to. It has been known to cure fatal diseases like cancer as well.
  6. Wild yam
    A lot of women have found wild yam to be useful in the treatment of their menopausal symptoms, as it contains phytoprogesterone which controls hormonal imbalance. It is also known to contain DHEA which controls obesity and heart disorders. Many consider it to be a source of estrogen too. Though a lot of women have found it to be of use, there is no scientific evidence that wild yam indeed can tackle menopausal symptoms
  7. Ginseng
    Ginseng is a root known for its therapeutic benefits and has been used by the Chinese, Koreans, and Native Americans for centuries. It is essentially a mood booster and works well for the anxiety and fatigue effects of menopause.
  8. St. John’s Wort
    Like Ginseng, St. John’s Wort is also used for mood swings and depression. A clinical study in Germany showed that among 111 women, 75-80% were relieved of menopausal symptoms completely or at least to a large extent, when given a standard dosage of St. John’s Wort for 12 weeks. It is a yellow flowering plant effective in curing the psychological and vegetative symptoms of menopause.
  9. DHEA
    After the age of 30, the natural level of DHEA in the body starts dropping. A lot of women intake DHEA supplements to regain the balance of DHEA. It can also reduce hot flashes and increase libido. Post menopausal women have used DHEA in the vagina to strengthen the walls of the vagina and to increase bone mineral density. High doses of DHEA may increase the risk of breast cancer though; so it’s always advisable to consult a doctor first.
  10. Dong Quai
    It is a perennial herb found at high altitudes in the mountains of China, Korea, and Japan. Its phytoestrogenic properties help to restore the hormonal balance a great deal and uplift moods. A lot of women with menopausal and menstrual symptoms are known to consume Dong Quai. It is an anxiety reliever.
  11. Soy
    Soy is again used for hot flashes but can also alleviate vaginal dryness. Try and incorporate a lot of soy in your diet. Other than soy milk and soy beans, make different soy preparations like tofu and edamame. It is also said that soy contains small amounts of DHEA.

Things to watch out for

  1. A lot of supplements have side effects so before you start on one, do consult your doctor / general physician.
  2. Certain herbs can cause allergies so find out what you’re allergic to by undergoing a few tests.
  3. If you’re already on medication, ask your doctor what supplements or herbs you should start on so that they don’t interfere with the medication.
  4. Don’t be on too many supplements all at once.


It is always preferable to consume all of the above in their natural forms as much as and wherever possible.

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