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10 Safety tips to protect your child from sun

summer safety tips to protect your child from sun

Summer is the best time for fun, enjoyment, and frolic especially for children. In summer children play most of the outdoor games in street and in parks and spend a lot of time under the heat of sun. So, the risk of health diseases also increases due to the heat of sun. Playing is good for their physical growth so you cannot stop them to go outside and play but you can take certain measures to keep your baby safe in summer as well. So here are some summer safety tips to protect your child from sun.

1. Use sunscreen or some creams

Use sunscreen or some creams

Before your child goes outside under the sun to play, always put some sunscreen or any other cream on your child’s face and hands. Use a sunscreen with a good SPF rating, or which saves your child’s skin from ultra violet rays. Use water resistant creams as it will save your child’s skin during sweating as well. Whenever it is necessary reapply sunscreen again.
2. Try to reduce the time of exposure to sun
Always see that how much time your child is spending under sun. During the mid day that is from 12 am to 4 pm try not to allow your child to play under sun as during this time sun rays are strong. Whenever you child goes outside to play try to convince him/her to play under tree or in any shade.
3. Prefer lose fitting clothes for your child
Always use full sleeve shirts and full length trousers for your child to protect from sun and ultraviolet rays. Try to avoid dark shade clothes like black, purple, etc. In summer use light clothes for your child. Try to use hat whenever your child goes outside and use lose fitting clothes.
4. Salt
Increase the amount of salt in your child’s diet.

5. Prevent mosquito bites

Prevent mosquito bites

When summer comes it also increases the number of mosquito in air and surrounding. As all of us know that mosquito can cause a lot of diseases so to save your child from mosquito don’t allow them to play in such areas where insects congregate, don’t allow them to eat uncovered foods. There should be no hole or space from where insects can enter in your child’s bed room. Use good insecticide to kill mosquitoes.
6. Drink up
While playing any game kids get engaged in it and sometimes forget to drink water for a long duration in spite of feeling thirsty. So make a habit to give water bottle to your child when he/she goes outside. Don’t allow your child to buy soft drink when they feel thirsty as it contains caffeine, sugar, and additives.
7. Use sun glasses
To save the eyes from ultra violet rays use good quality sun glasses. Use polycarbonate sun glasses as it is most effective for ultra violet rays.
8. Use curd and milk
To make your child feel cool and fresh in summer season give them curd and milk in sufficient amount. Curd and milk will refresh your child. Include fruits and vegetables in your child’s, it increases the immunity of the body.
9. Avoid these


Try not to give ghee, oil, sweet maida, and rice to your child during summer season.
10. Chill with a lemon water, orange, and mango shakes
These fruits are very useful in summer. As in summer there is more need of fluid, so drink plenty of juice.

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