Understanding your responsibilities as overseas medical companion

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A medical companion can be anybody, a domestic partner, a friend, someone from your family, who will travel with you and assist you on your medical journey. You should select someone who is physically and mentally strong, so that he/she can support you through all your good and difficult times.



A medical companion should have complete understanding of your requirements during your treatment and should be able to communicate effectively with your treating doctor or physician. Below we have some basic tips for a medical companion:

Complete information and knowledge

You should have complete knowledge about the patient, such as the condition, procedure of treatment, and the precautions that have to be taken prior to the treatment. You should always remember to take important notes, which include the information about important contacts (their phone number and email address).

Do not forget to carry your own identity documents, such as passport and driving license. If possible, also keep the phone numbers and other contact details of the hospital and clinics in the destination country. You can also keep the number of ambulance in order to take the patient to the hospital in case of emergency.

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You should have outstanding communicating skills, so that you can keep in touch with the healthcare providers, before during and even after the treatment. Once the treatment is over, you should be able to communicate the success of the treatment to the impatiently waiting relatives and friends of the patient.


Physical and mental support

It is your duty, as a medical tourist’s companion, to arrange special care for the patient at the airport as per his/her comfort. You have to provide physical as well as mental support to the patient, you should be able to console the patient emotionally and prepare him well for medical treatment.

You have to make sure that the patient does not feel any pretreatment jitters and he should be relaxed before the treatment commences. You should have sufficient cash and credit available so that you can help the patient in the case of emergency. By offering financial comfort to the patient, you will help him/her prepare well for the treatment.

Understanding your responsibilities as overseas medical companion

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