How to rejuvenate your post-retirement life through medical tourism abroad

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How to rejuvenate your post-retirement life through medical tourism abroad Medical Tourism Post Ad 1

With the fact that Medicare is not applicable overseas and private health insurance in countries like the US is not an exception, health care options seem to be the biggest hurdle when you or in the way to settle abroad and enjoy your retirement days. However, you will be surprised to know that with a number of options available for medical care and health insurances, health care can be affordable, efficient and equally good as your own native hospitals. These options make life easier after retirement and help in enhancing the life quality by reducing the overall cost of living.


Unlike the Unites States where the costs of health insurances have surged to a severe extent, many countries provide better services at affordable prices.

This can be understood by the self-experience of a patient Lee Harrison who had his medical insurance in the United States and underwent a dermatological treatment both, at the United States and Cuenca. The difference between the insured and uninsured treatments in the United States and Cuenca was almost 300 percent, which is not a small amount. This clearly explains the significance of being treated at some other country with better and affordable medical care.

How to rejuvenate your post-retirement life through medical tourism abroad Medical Tourism Post Ad 2


However, it is not the cost but the quality of treatment that should be a major concern while being treated. It addition to the costs, the way a person is being treated also is also very important during the process of healing. According to Mr. Harrison received a cheaper treatment but not at the cost of quality. The care he received a Cuenca was much better and personalized than what he received at the US This is not one single story you can find numerous examples of people like Harrison who found the treatment and care of other countries better than their own.

This clearly reveals the truth about the health care options available abroad. Having your treatment done at foreign countries is not just affordable but also more enjoyable where you have many opportunities to receive the best possible personal care. The lower amount of troubles and shorter waiting lists of patients add to the benefit of travelling abroad for treatments.


Retirement requires careful planning with healthcare topping the list of major concerns. Medical tourism makes you available the better and advanced healthcare at a very affordable price so that you can just relax back and fun during your retirement days.

How to rejuvenate your post-retirement life through medical tourism abroad

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