A bone density test known as densitometry or DEXA test is performed to detect the risk of osteoporosis using x-rays. The x-ray images are taken from different intensities to check the patient’s bone mass and the concentration of minerals like calcium. Osteoporosis is a disease of bone where bones become more fragile and weak leading to easy fractures of the bones.
Additional information about the procedure
Preparation for the procedure
- No special preparation is required for the bone density test
- Inform the health care provider abut the previous oral contrast or nuclear medicine tests if done previously.(it can interfere test result)
During procedure
- Bone density test is one of the safest and painless procedures that can be performed at medical centre or hospital.
- Patient may need to change in examination gown and will be asked to lie down on the large machine. The smaller portable machines may be used to measure the bone density of the peripheral bones such as heel, wrist, finger etc.
- The x-rays images of the bones are taken and with the help of x-rays the bone mineral content packed in to the bone segment are measured. Higher the content bones suggest more dense bones. The denser bones are considered as stronger. On the base of this bone density the health care provider evaluates the risk of osteoporosis.
The different types of the according to the machines used for the test are
- Dual Energy X- Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)- accurately measures density of bones in spin, hip or total body
- Peripheral Dual Energy X- Ray Absorptiometry (pDXA) measures density of bones in Wrist, finger, heel
- Single Energy X- Ray Absorptiometry (SXA) measures density of bones in heel or wrist
- Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) measures density of bones in sheen bone, kneecap, heel
- Quantitative Compound Tomography (QCT) measures density of bones in spin and other sites
Uses of the procedure
The bone density test is advised to identify the risk of bone fracture and to diagnose andor monitor the osteoporosis treatment
Bone density test can accurately predict the risk of bone fracture or osteoporosis in a person who are at higher risk. The risk factor for osteoporosis includes, family history, history of previous fractures, old age, low body weight, being white or south East Asian, use of certain medicines causes bone loss, post menopausal, suffering certain disease such as hyperthyroidism etc.
Travelers guide
The bone density test is fast, non- invasive, painless procedure and patient can resume the normal activity immediately. The Medical tourist can expect to return back soon after the test.