The different health check –up packages are designed for early detection of many common and life threatening medical conditions. Most of them can be treated successfully on early diagnosis.
There are different Health check –up packages available under various names including basic health check-up, executive check-up, special cardiac check-up and women’s health check up. Tourist can select any of the packages according to their age, health status and requirement
Most health checks up are done within a day or two and can be done at hospitals or private clinics. No hospital admission is required.
Depending on the test or screening preparation such as not eating food for 8hours before specific blood test or certain USG scan may be needed. Special instruction will be given by the concern hospital or clinic staff.
Most of the health checks up include:
- Consultation with concern specialist such as physician, gynecologist, ophthalmologist etc. The specialist will do physical examination and vital signs will be noted such as Blood pressure, respiratory rate, weight etc.
- Routine and special laboratory test including
Blood Test
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Fasting Blood Sugar
- Lipid (Fats) Profile – Cholesterol, HDL and Triglyceride, Cholesterol/HDL Ratio, LDL Cholesterol
- Gout (Uric Acid )
Kidney Function test:
- Creatinine
Liver Function
- Alkaline Phosphates (ALP)
- Total Bilirubin, Albumin, Globulin
- Gamma GT (GGT)
- Hepatitis Screening HBsAg and HBsAB, Anti-HCV
Thyroid functioning test
- TSH and Free T4
Tumor Markers
- CEA for GI Cancer
- AFP for Liver Cancer
- PSA for Prostate Cancer
Urine Examination
- Routine and micro urine test
- Urine test for sugar
Stool Examination (routine)
Screening test and other examination may be done on the base of the package selection that includes:
- Chest X-Ray
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Exercise Stress Test (EST)
- Ultrasound Whole Abdomen
- Digital Mammogram with Ultrasound Breast
- PAP Smear and Pelvic Exam
- Eye Exam (Acuity and Tonometry)
- Lung function test
- ENT examination
- Diet counseling for diabetics
Specialized packages
Cardiac health check-up package mostly done to evaluate the risk of heart disease. This package may include:
- Examination by Physician-Physical examination and vital signs
- Consultation with cardiologist
- USG scan Blood Sugar – Fasting & Post-Fasting
- Complete Haemogram
- Serum Homocysteine
- Cardiac Profile-Maxi
- S.G.O.T
- X-ray Chest
- 2D-Echo
- Renal Profile-Mini
- Lipid Profile-Maxi
- Diet Counseling
Women Health check-up Package
This check up is designed to provide women comprehensive check up, early detection and diagnosis of certain medical conditions and counseling.
It may include:
- Consultation with gynecologist
- Random Blood Sugar
- Complete Haemogram
- Thyroid Panel-I
- Routine Urine examination.
- X-ray (chest)
- Ultrasound (Pelvic Screening)
- Pap smear
- Breast Examination
- Mammography