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World changing inventions that came from the mind of Nicola Tesla

World changing inventions that came from the mind of Nicola Tesla

<![CDATA[Nicola Tesla was a Serbian-American mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, and an inventor who came up with some incredible creations that made human lives easy and will make lives convenient in future as well. There is a long list of his contributions that he made working with electricity throughout his lifetime; still he never got any big recognition like a Nobel Prize. Most of his contributions are the basis of the modern human life; let us have a look at such contributions of Nicola Tesla.


Image Source : Citi.Io

Many people know that Guglielmo Marconi was the inventor of radio because he was the one who got all the initial credit and appreciation for radio’s invention. However, it was in 1943 that brought a new fact in light, radio was invented much before Marconi’s invention and the inventor was Tesla. Then the Supreme Court overturned Marconi’s patent and finally gave the credit to Nicola Tesla.

Tesla Coil

Image Source : TeslaSociety.Com

One of his most famous and successful inventions is the Tesla Coil. It is an air-core transformer of a high frequency that takes output from a transformer and the driver circuit amps it to an extremely high voltage. The voltage is discharged in the form of electrical arcs. It was quite a unique and impressive invention, as Tesla coils produce extremely powerful electrical fields.

Disk-Turbine Rotary Engine

Image Source : TeslaScience.Org

One version that Tesla created was just ten inches in diameter and developed 110 h.p. at 5000 RPM. Tesla named it “powerhouse in a hat.” The disk turbines run on a vibration free mode and is a cheap installation, as you only require rotor bearing, which you are supposed to fit in lose tolerance with each other. The turbine can run on oil, gasoline, compressed air, and steam, and it demands minimal maintenance.

Spark-Gap Oscillator

Image Source : TeslaSociety.Com

This system is still in use today that Tesla had invented years ago. He knew that higher frequencies of electric vibration can bring striking phenomena, which is why he used dynamos at higher speed and employed increased number of poles, and finally managed to achieve what he desired.


Image Source : Media.Tumblr.Com

Tesla had a futuristic mind that enabled him to come up with such a modernistic concept of robotics years before. His futuristic vision made him invent sensors, and intelligent cars.

Nicola Tesla was an engineer and a creator who invented so many things that are of great help and ae making life convenient for human beings even today.]]>

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