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Wal-Mart’s Sustainability Index: Smart move to coax green-washers

sustainability index
Now, things are going to change very fast. Companies that have been misguiding customers toward their make-believe sustainability avowals, need to be very careful from this point on. Though Wal-Mart’s Sustainability Index never asks these so-called eco-conscious suppliers to go green, it’s still a calculated move aiming at the same.

Having voiced its intention to introduce the green label in 2 to 5 years, Wal-Mart has actually issued a deadline for them. Well, is it a deadline for Wal-Mart too? Considering the gravity of its shoppers’ optimism, it should be.

What is Wal-Mart’s sustainability index?
John Fleming, Wal-Mart’s Chief Merchandising Officer, says:

I envision the day that you look at a piece of apparel, you flip a tag over, and learn about how sustainable it really is. It would be like nutritional labeling is today. But there is some standardization that needs to take place.

Led by the faculty at the University of Arkansas and Arizona, Wal-Mart’s sustainability index will urge manufacturers to adhere to the clean, green and sustainable practices in production of the products. The sustainability index is a set of 15 questions covering energy and climate, material efficiency, natural resources and “people and community.” In addition to it, the index asks them to provide shoppers with the info regarding the environmental costs and greenhouse gas emissions as well.

Without any exemptions, Wal-Mart will further rate those products intrepidly. Though these are strict guidelines for green-washers, still they don’t bind them. In a way, it’s just a code of conduct kind of thing to ensure transparency. Wal-Mart is never going to announce if a company is green or not.

Beneficial for eco-conscious clients:
wal mart
1) Clients will be in a better position to see through supplier’s green claims.
2) Suppliers will be psychologically motivated to offer best products with sustainably green production-techniques.
3) Non-carbon footprint is also one of the desired goals.
4) It will ask the manufacturers of consumer products to dig deep into their supply chains and evolve green methods, drive innovation and show continuous improvement.
5) It will establish a novel channel to empower Wal-Mart’s buyers/suppliers and will make them accountable too.

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