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Using a connected home in the big scheme of Internet of Things

big scheme of Internet of Things

“Internet of Things” is a term you must have heard quite many times as of now and probably much more related to home automation than any other thing. It refers to a highly networked world of all the electrical appliances and gadgets in your home that have their IP address that helps them connect and transfer data over a network, thus, making your home a connected home.

What is a connected home?

Returning home from a busy day out, you enter home and you find lights already on, temperature set exactly how you wanted it to be. Every morning you step out of bed, go to kitchen and see the coffee pot is already switched on, and your home allows someone standing at the door in when you give it a command while sitting in office, well, all these instances are no magic but are wonders of a connected home.

The Internet of Things is the technology that has made our homes connected making them so convenient and easy for us to live in. Internet connectivity and Smartphones are two things that are omnipresent, and this is what IOT has brought into use to make connected homes. Connected homes do not only connect smart gadgets for our convenience but also control, measure, and manage the energy usage at homes, and work to bring down energy wastage. There is a control hub that user uses to connect and communicate with the digital devices such as the heating devices, door locks, televisions, thermostats and more in your home. Therefore, a connected home comprises of a number of services and solutions that collectively add value and convenience to a home.

Advantages of Internet of Things (IoT)


Knowledge is power, and it lets you take valid decisions in comparison to the wrong or baseless decisions one tends to take because of the lack of knowledge. Internet of Things used in home automation provides you with the required knowledge that makes home automation all the more easy and functional. For instance, your smart refrigerator sends you a notification that it is running low on tomatoes and broccoli, this knowledge will come handy while shopping at the grocery store, as you will essentially pick stuff that your home is running low upon.


Internet of Things has made monitoring homes effective than ever before, at it lets the inhabitant know the actual amount of air pollutants polluting the indoor air quality, the exact amount of water or energy wastage taking place in a home and encourages people to stop wastage and indulge in eco-friendly ways. Monitoring your coming in and going out everyday pattern, the gadgets start operating as per your needs and many more activities.

Saves time, energy, and money

In your connected home, you do not have to waste time checking your refrigerator for the things stored in it because there are gadgets that keep notifying you every now and then. You are reminded regarding bill dates, and no wastage takes place in your home. All these features save your time and energy, and automatically you save on money.

Internet of Things has a lot of appreciation and attraction as of now, and it is going to get even more in future because of its stupendous scheme. A connected home wherein gadgets are controlled remotely and can send notifications can make life much easier.

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