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Taking over toddler meltdowns, the daddy way

Mommy scolds and daddy comes home with chocolates. That’s all what we have experienced and being taught since time immemorial. It is a common notion that husbands stick around with their wives to get their kid all riled up but tend to run away as soon as they start acting cranky. In every parenting couple, it is believed that moms do all the dirty work while daddies are the funny ones and experts in pampering the kids. Read ahead to find some daddy moves which you can try the next time your kids act up. We bet you’ll be surprised at the speed with which they forget, what they were upset about.

1. Man with a thousand faces

You can make a zillion funny faces, some naughty ones, some angry ones or some funny. These attract the kids a lot. This is a sure shot way and works wonders in tricky situations.

2. Toss it up

This may be on your wife’s hitlist, but all men love to throw up their kids as high as possible, only so that they can catch them. There has to be some evolutionary meaning to this that both the fathers and their kids love it. This exercise even builds a trust between the dad and his child that he will be there by his side, even when he is up in the air having his share of thrill.

3. The swing

This is somewhat similar to the toss but a little less intense. To turn yourself into a ride from this daddy theme amusement park, grab your kids hands, facing away from your belly. Then swing her backward in between your leg and then bring her forward making your arms and the floor in a straight line.

4. Itchy face

Sorry ladies, you will definitely not be able to participate in this one. But this is one game which will seriously take away your child’s attention from whatever he/she was going to freak out about. Dads softly run their unshaven chin and cheeks on their kid’s face and they break hysterically into giggles.

5. Sound effects

Your kid might have seen the zebra, but never heard one. More often than not, they will never hear one. But that doesn’t stop you from imitating it and other farm animals. You can be the ‘moo moo cow’, ‘meow cat’, ‘bow wow dog’ or the ‘giff giff girraffe’. Don’t worry about creating authentic sounds. Your kids will never find out and will enjoy the sounds.

6. Rock on

Any kind of dance movement seems to be a hit with kids. If you are playing some music in the house, why not groove to it too. You will be more than happy to oblige your kids when they go all “Go Daddy”, “Papa come” etc.

7. Say it with a song

You need not be mozzart to hum a tune or two for your kids. For them its not the accuracy of your pitch or the quality of notes you hum, they are more than happy to listen to you roll out those old rock songs or some of their kiddie favourites. Whenever you are out with them and want to involve them in some game for distraction, this could work best. Moreover, you could even polish your rusted singing skills, if you wish.

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