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Tips for relieving swelling during pregnancy

A series of changes take place inside a woman’s body during the pregnancy period. Some of these are expected and welcome sign but some might cause tensed nerves. Swollen lower limbs and hand is one of the common symptoms that appear generally in third trimester of pregnancy. Some women may notice them as early as in second trimester. The swelling which is also known as edema occurs as a result of fluid retention inside the body.

The metabolic rate is increased during pregnancy to match up the extra energy requirements of the body. This might result in increased blood flow and fluid towards the peripheries. However many a times, this fluid tend to get retained in the extremities due to a medical phenomenon called as peripheral resistance.

In most of the cases, it is a normal reaction in the body and swelling can be checked by making small amendments in the daily routine and following are the tips given below:

1. Avoid long standing hours

One should try to avoid long standing routines. In case you can’t avoid the situation, then do make a point that you sit down as often as possible. Standing for long hours may result in accumulation of fluids in the lower limbs and due to peripheral resistance of distant extremities, it may tend to retain in the limbs only. This gives rise to swollen legs, ankles and feet; making it more difficult for you to stand and work normally.

2. Try to keep your feet elevated horizontally when sitting

Whenever you are sitting, keep your feet elevated horizontally. It is best to rest your feet over a small table which can easily slide under your office table. This way you can minimize the chances of peripheral resistance. Inducting this habit in daily working schedule will dramatically lower the levels of swollen lower limbs.

3. Adopt an active life style

One is strictly advised not to indulge in strenuous activities during the pregnancy period but this does not imply that one should adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Rather a light walk for half an hour, twice a day, is recommended. Keep moving whenever possible without straining yourself. Active lifestyle keeps one healthy and checks the rate of fluid retention in the body.

4. Check excessive salt intake

Salt sometimes act as a culprit. Excessive salt intake might put your body at an increased risk of fluid retention resulting in swollen feet and hands. However, the salt which is added while cooking is less harmful than the sprinkled one.

5. Monitor blood pressure fluctuations

Besides all the trivial reasons there is a possibility of some serious underlying medical condition, if the swelling and discomfort keeps on rising despite taking all precautions and making necessary amendments in the life style. It might be a result of increased blood pressure. There is a medical condition known as ‘eclampsia’, which is characterized by edema (swelling) and raised BP. One needs to keep a serious check and consult the physician, in case some anomaly is noticed with the normal functioning of the body.

6. Drink plenty of fluids

It might sound as a contradiction. But plenty of fluids are advised during the pregnancy period. This helps to flush out the unwanted salts inside the body and detoxifies the system. Drinking 8 glasses of water is an ideal recommendation.

7. Support your lower limbs

In case everything comes normal and you are still unable to get rid of the discomfort caused due to the swollen limbs, there are ‘made-for-pregnancy’ support hose readily available in market now-a-days. One should put on these hose in the early morning to get the maximum results.

8. Appropriate footwear

This is one of the nearest possible remedies one can undertake to cure the swollen feet. Footwear which is comfortable and nice fitting should be preferred over the stylish ones.

Pregnancy is one of the most crucial phases in a woman’s life. The basic need is to take a good care of yourself, and then only you can efficiently guard the life growing inside the womb.

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