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Tips on choosing the right stroller for your baby

choosing the right stroller for your baby

If this is the first time you are buying a stroller for your baby, here are some necessary prerequisites you need to consider beforehand. For, choosing the right stroller plays a very important role in assuring your baby’s comfort and safety.

Choose according to age: If you have a newborn, you probably need to choose a stroller that comes with a reclining babyhood to handle your baby’s delicate head and neck. And although there are many strollers that come with adjustable baby hoods that can be used both in the reclining and sitting positions (to cover more than one age group), it is considered best to get an age appropriate stroller that you can exchange for a new one after your baby outgrows it.

Choose according to your lifestyle: Do you need a stroller to take your baby for a walk? Will you use it to take your baby along with you for shopping? Or will you use it to take your baby out for early morning exercise sessions? Each stroller is equipped to handle different needs (for instance, a stroller would need a protective covering over the hood and plenty of warm padding if you plan to take your baby out early in the morning). It all depends on when and where you are going.

Choose according to the addition(s) to the family:If you are expecting twins or triplets, you may want to choose a stroller that can handle two or multiple babies at the same time.  You can also opt for specially designed strollers that come equipped with a common handle so that you don’t need to push and pull each stroller individually.

Choose according to honest reviews:The best and sadly, worst place to get reviews for a product would be the internet.  You may stumble upon several ‘not so genuine’ reviews about a stroller on a site and opt to buy it, only to find out that they were not correct at all.

Always opt for internet sites that offer user or critic reviews about the product. Trusted websites offer this facility. You can also ask friends and family members who had purchased strollers before. And yes, if you happen to see a complete stranger pushing a stroller in the park, don’t hesitate to walk over and ask his/her opinion about it. Nothing beats a honest review from an unknown person.

Choose according to critical features:You may consider certain features to be critical for the safety and comfort of your baby while some other features can be considered less important. Always satisfy the critical needs first before moving on to the not so important ones.

For instance, while factors like ease of use, mobility, weight, car seat compatibility, adjustable handles, storage space, recliner, washable seats, additional padding, safety systems and multi-terrain wheels are considered critical, factors like color and pattern can be considered less important.

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