The world’s most gifted artists who have stunning works of art


<![CDATA[George Bernard Shaw once said, “Imagination is the beginning if creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last, you create what you will.” This is absolutely true for creativity is all about how to extend your imagination to find out the uncommon, in common things.

There are innumerable artists in the world, who see some extra ordinary possibility in the things that are ordinarily considered useless. While others throw these things away, these creativity lovers use them to create something excellent and eye catching. Read further to know more about such amazing artists and their incredible creations.

Matthias Jung

Image Source : Notorious-Mag

German born artist Matthias Jung is now a well known name across the globe for his extraordinary collage work that that results in some of the most astounding and unique, bizarre and offbeat architectural structures.

He first began his work as a child playing with scissors and photographs inside his dad’s photo lab and later on continued with his incredible work with the help of his travelling photographs and Photoshop.

Barbara Wildenboer

Image Source : Whatson.Co.Za

When life gives you books make them… An intricate artwork! Yes, books could be much more than just a collection of pages. This is proved by the extraordinary and awe inspiring work of Barbara Wildenboer, who turns books into a perfectly designed delicate nervous system like sculptures. The books used by Barbara usually are atlases and science related matter. She utilizes each and every bit of the books from images to words to add life and design to her sculptures. She was born in 1973 in South Africa and has received many awards such as Public Vote Prize, African Art Prize, Jules Krammer Award, including others.



Image Source : Thisiscolossal

Often we just throw about thins without realizing their importance and ways in which they can be reused. Talwst, an amazing artist from Toronto visualizes the possibility of reusing even the most useless of all the items we can find at home.

It all happened when this incredible artist was handed over an antique ring box by a street vendor who told him that he would see what can be created out of the box. Talwst’s extraordinary imagination let to the transformation of the tiny ring boxes into miniature dioramas, which are extremely detailed and attractive with a new story in each one of them.

In the words of Talwst, he wants the viewer to open his miniature boxes for an entirely other worldly like feel and aura, which he has been successful at.

Dalton Ghetti

Image Source : Yatzer

You must have seen marvelous and stunning portraits, drawings and images created out of pencils, but you must have never seen or heard about an artist who transforms the pencil itself into a brilliant masterpiece of delicately carved miniatures. Dalton first began using tools at just six years old, and by the time he turned 8, he began sculpting with the help of blade, hammer and chisel.

Dalton does his work with lots of patience; hence, it takes months and sometimes years to complete one single sculpture. He doesn’t sell his work at all and does it all to draw people’s attention towards common items of great use.

From all the information mentioned above, we now know one thing in common and that is – even the smallest of all things can be made and recreated to have the greatest of all the virtues. All it takes is patience, creativity and imagination.]]>

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