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Steps to feel good about your pregnancy

Body image and good feelings about yourself are inextricably linked. For some women, the time of childbearing and the body changes it brings actually boosts their positive feelings about themselves. For some others, however, pregnancy brings with it a negation of all that they felt good about. The increasing weight, the loss of body shape and the physical discomforts that come with pregnancy can be stressful by themselves. In addition, for women who have to deal with the psychological handicap of feeling poorly about how they look, pregnancy can lead to low self worth and depression. Here are some pointers to how you can feel good about your changing body and enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest.

1. Stay focused on health

Your body and mind feed off each other. Pregnancy is a time when your health and nutrition needs become crucial to the wellbeing of you and your baby. Keep your focus on the process of pregnancy and take the necessary health precautions. A healthy and cared for body will help your mind deal with feelings of self doubt and depression much better. The changing needs of the body will find you wanting to rest and nap more as you progress in your pregnancy. This rest is very important. However, try and include as much physical activity as you can comfortably undertake. Even short periods of activity like a brief walk in the park, or a quick round of decluttering the house can make you feel better. Remember that the idea is to keep your body conditioned and prepare it for the later weeks of pregnancy.

2. Learn to relax and recreate
As the gestation progresses, you will find yourself caught up in the nesting syndrome. This is an urgent subconscious need to create a suitable environment for your soon-to-arrive baby. You will want to organize the house, make space in the cupboards, etc. This also coincides with the time when you feel the need for more rest. If you have always led an active life before you got pregnant, this can be unsettling. Learn to listen to your body’s needs and cater to them. Apart from catching a short nap whenever you feel the urge, consider other techniques of rest and relaxation. Relaxation techniques like meditation, breathing exercises and yoga have been proven to be beneficial to both mother and child.

3. Seek out good company

Pregnancy is the most amazing time of a woman’s life. It is a joy that only another woman who has gone through it can understand and share in. Avoid the company of people who make you feel poorly about your changing appearance. Spend more of your time with family members and friends who are supportive and understanding. A woman goes through a million different feelings, fears and doubts in the course of pregnancy. Having someone with whom you can share these feelings, someone who will not judge you negatively, will help you feel better. Stay away from people who end up making you feel more miserable and anxious. Instead, seek out those who uplift your spirit, who make you smile and laugh and leave you feeling more energized. This is also a good time to catch up on inspirational music, books and films that make you feel better.

4. Don’t forget to look good

Many women fall into the trap of neglecting their appearance once they realize that they are no longer in control of their body shape, size and weight. Remember that your body is undergoing amazing hormonal changes. You are likely to find your hair and skin glowing and growing like never before. Hair loss will be reduced. Make it a point to capitalize on these perks. Don’t abandon your beauty ritual. Pregnancy brings a glow to your being that can be further highlighted by using the right makeup and hair styles. Continue with your regular skin care regimen, with proper moisturizing for your skin and conditioning for your hair.

5. Dress in style
Being pregnant does not mean you cannot dress up and go out in style. Maternity fashion is one thing that you will be able to indulge only at this time of your life. Don’t miss out on it. Take your close confidante and go and check out the many styles and designs that are available in maternity dresses.

6. Pamper yourself
This is one time when family and friends will be eager to help you pamper yourself. Verbalize your food cravings and eat well. Treat yourself to spa treatments, pedicures and manicures. Splurge a little on your maternity clothing. Get DVDs of classic romantic or comedy films and have a girls night in. Surround yourself with pastel pinks and blues.
The complex changes of pregnancy can be overwhelming. Prepare yourself by following these tips so that you don’t miss out on this wonderful time of your life by worrying over them. Get yourself books on how to cope with the different stages of pregnancy. You may want to keep a pregnancy journal to document your pregnancy. Always remind yourself that the changes you are going through are part of the process of creating a new life – your baby. Keep your spirit up, your mind positive and your body active. Each passing day that you do that is a victory by itself, a victory that you will look back on fondly once your little one is here.

Via: Babycenter

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