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Scientists banking on female walrus for migration study

Scientists banking on female walrus for migration study

With seven of the eight satellite tags not working anymore, researchers are banking on a female walrus to shed light on where the west Greenland animals migrate over the summer months.

The study is run by the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Danish National Environmental Research Institute and the Technical University of Denmark.

In April, as many as eight walruses were tagged but only one tag is working at present, prompting project leader Erik Born to say that the tags were probably knocked off by the thick sea ice.

Born, however, claimed that any time, the team might start getting information from other tags as well.

The female walrus, aged between 10-12, has not moved out of the area where she was tagged.

Dr Born said:

There is still a lot of ice in this area, and she will probably stay there until the ice begins to retreat. But we hope she begins to move soon while the tag is still working. She should begin migrating any day now, but we could be unlucky if the ice remains.

Dr Born was unhappy that the rest of the tags were not working. He said the team opted for smaller tags this time, hoping those would last longer.

He said

Walruses have a very rapid healing process, and I think the tags are being expelled as their hides are starting to mend. They might also have been knocked off as the walruses were hauling out on to the ice.
There is a chance that some of the tags may start sending data again, but I am not so sure about this.

Photo: BBC

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