At some point in childhood, almost every child dreams of owning a pet. There are various good reasons for this dream to turn into a reality. The relationship between a child and his or her pet is a very special and mutually beneficial one. A child gives the pet unlimited love and care. A pet helps the child become more responsible. Studies have also shown that having a pet helps children through childhood illnesses. While there are many pets available in pet shops, different pets have different needs. You need to be sure that the pet is a right match for your child and that your child is capable of caring for that pet. So before you buy your child a pet, you need to analyze your child’s personality type and match it to the perfect pet for him or her.
1. Child personality type 1
Your child is very young. He or she still depends on you for every personal need and is too young to be responsible for day-to-day activities. And most importantly, he or she has never owned a pet before. So the nuances of feeding for a pet, cleaning its home, and caring for its health are completely new for him or her.
Pet match: Goldfish
Goldfish are ideal pets for first-time pet owners. They usually manage to survive if they are not fed on time or if their bowl or tank is not cleaned as often as it should be. They do not need regular medical attention. They live in a bowl or tank, so the rest of the house does not get dirty. In short, these pretty fish are low-maintenance pets. Once your child learns to care for goldfish, he or she can graduate to other pets.
2. Child personality type 2
Your child is old enough to go out of the house alone. He or she is also fairly responsible, friendly, outgoing, and develops strong bonds. He or she enjoys roughing it out in the great outdoors.
Pet match: Dog
A dog is said to be man’s best friend, and a best friend is exactly what your child needs. The relationship between a dog and its owner is highly interactive. However, dogs usually require plenty of care. Regular cleaning, feeding, exercising, veterinarian visits, and vaccinations are necessary. Some people are also allergic to dogs. Dog bites are also a reason for concern.
3. Child personality type 3
Your child is caring, but does not want to care for the pet all the time. He or she will not mind if the pet is aloof and seems disinterested in interaction at times.
Pet match: Cat
Cats are warm and cuddly pets. They manage to care for themselves to a large extent and are not completely dependent on their owners. As with dogs, some people are allergic to cats. Cats tend to scratch and hiss sometimes, and this may harm the child.
4. Child personality type 4
Your child is an indoors type, who wants a social pet he or she can interact with. He or she is also very patient and doesn’t mind cleaning up after the pet.
Pet match: Bird
Birds are colorful, lively, and social pets with long lifespans. They can entertain the household with their chirpy tunes and mad capers. With love and patience, some types of birds can also be taught to speak. However, birds can be very messy and the tendency to escape is very high.
5. Child personality type 5
Your child is old enough to care for a pet. But due to work or space constraints you cannot get a dog or cat.
Pet match: Hamster/Gerbil
These are small, harmless, and clever animals. They do not require as much care as a dog or a cat. So, a child can easily care for them without adult help. They sleep during the day, so they can be left alone when the family is away at school or work during the day. However, they can dirty their beds frequently and regular cleaning is a must.
6. Child’s personality type 6
Your child is five to eight-years-old and has developed an interest in collecting insects. He or she also loves to observe and learn and enjoys studying the insect collection in a scientific manner.
Pet match: Ant farm
An ant farm can be entertaining, educational, and inexpensive. And what’s more, your child can unleash his or her creative instincts and build an ant farm from scratch. However, you need to make sure that the ant-farm is escape proof. After all, who wants a swarm of ants running around the house!