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Making the best use of technology to reduce your carbon footprint

Electric vehicle

The ‘Go Green’ movement has gained a lot of momentum in recent days with more and more individuals around the world adopting eco-friendly lifestyles in a bid to save the environment. Most of these individuals take their plans forward by opting for green technologies that serve their purpose without degrading the environment in any way. Accordingly, here are some ways in which technology is redirecting our lives towards a greener path.

Go Green Apps

A number of green apps have cropped up over the years, helping support those who have made up their minds to stick to their eco-friendly goals and decisions. Some of the more common of these apps include the Food Tripping GPS enabled app that directs green consumers towards local vegetable/fruit markets and juice stalls. Another one called Think Dirty helps consumers compare the ingredients on the label of the cosmetic products they purchase to indicate environmentally hazardous substances. And then, there’s the app called iRecycle which helps individuals locate the nearest recycling station for different kinds of goods.

Hightech thermostats

Gone are the days when thermostats had to be adjusted manually. The new range of high tech thermostats is more energy efficient and can automatically adjust the indoor temperature based on individual lifestyles and schedules. The thermostats include a series of algorithms, sensors and cloud computing techniques that make this possible. In addition to individual schedules, habits and lifestyles, the thermostat would take into account the weather conditions to adjust the indoor temperature.

Automated home lighting systems

Switching off the lights after using them can turn out to be a tedious task for those who keep on forgetting the same. In this case, one can opt for energy efficient automated lighting systems that can both be controlled remotely via apps and can also be programmed to switch on and off at certain time intervals.

Energy efficient power adapters

The new range of power adapters establish what is called a digital handshake between the power outlet and the electronic device connected to it. These power adapters would provide the device with just the right amount of power it needs to function or charge up. Once this is met, the power adapters automatically cut off the supply.

Online services

The internet has opened the doors to a greener lifestyle via online services. It has become customary for individuals to pay their bills, buy groceries, send letters and pictures and literally do anything online, thus reducing the need for paper and saving trees from being felled. This would in turn curb deforestation and its adverse side effects.

Solar derived fuels

Fossil fuels continue to be the major sources of pollution in today’s world. However, the advent of what one calls solar fuels can possibly put an end to the use of fossil fuel, thus curbing the earth’s pollution levels significantly. For instance, a Massachusetts-based company called Joule is in the process of creating fuel from carbon dioxide and water via artificial photosynthesis. The plant would use sunlight to create a variety of fuels fuels including gasoline, diesel and ethanol, thus reducing the present demand for fossil fuels to a great extent.

Electric vehicles

Electric vehicle

There is a focus on electric vehicles as suitable alternatives to standard fuel driven vehicles. This trend has even captured the interest of military units stationed across the world, which have started using green concept electric vehicles for on base operations. Some of the more recent developments in this arena include the development of small electric cars made of recycled plastic that can be driven around the base, a rucksack enhanced portable power system that can be unrolled to reveal a mini solar power system capable of recharging batteries, and solar power shades that are typical tents fitted with solar panels to generate power.


The ‘Go Green’ movement has generated a lot of interest among individuals around the world who are increasingly looking out for alternate ways to power their homes, workplaces and vehicles.

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