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Love that comes at a price

<![CDATA[They say that you have to go through a lot of suffering and pain to get the one you love and this certainly is true. People all around the world follow different customs to and traditions to get married. Some of these traditions would certainly give you goose bumps.

Blackening the couple

No doubts, like all other marriages Scottish marriages comes with a lot of variety of tempting food, get-together of families and beautiful people dressed elegantly. However, some areas of Scotland involve strange traditions like blackening the bride and groom. Loads of mud, spoiled food, dirt is put all over the couple. This ritual is followed in Scottish places like Angus, Fife and some parts of Aberdeenshire. Along with this, a mix of alcohol, mints, gin and brandy serves the purpose of an important drink at the time of their marriages. The groom covers his feet with ash and bride takes a bath with water at the occasion of feet-washing ceremony. (Source)

Extreme of love


Imagine if you need to go through a strange ritual of teasing your own body part playfully. In Surma tribe in Ethiopia, the bride–to-be removes her lower teeth so that she can insert a large clay disc in it. This disc is replaced with another one with a larger diameter time to time; the reason behind the painful custom is that the family of the girl with the larger diameter disc gets more dowry.(Source)

Can’t be fun


The newlywed slurp the garbage out of a toilet bowl, getting married could not be nastier. In some regions of France, after the couple is married the guests prepare the special meal for them, in a toilet bowl. They put all the leftover, which includes almost every possible waste you can imagine into a toilet bowl. This garbage stew includes the dirt of their shoes as well. Then loud and noisy group of drunken folks enter into the room of the newlywed and make the couple drink it from the toilet bowl itself. If they do not drink it, the folks would not leave the place.(Image)

Spitting bring luck


In Greece, the marriage ceremony is practically incomplete without spitting on bride. The belief is that this would bring good luck to her and keep all the evil spirits away from the bride. (Source)

Unbearable love

Yes, for this wedding you really have to be wise and intelligent. In South Korea after getting married the groom cannot take his bride with him until he faces a challenge, which actually is a beating that he needs to take on his feet. The groom takes off his shoes, even socks and then takes beating on the sole of his feet with a dry fish or a stick. During the beating, family members ask questions to groom which makes it trickier.(Image)

Troublesome Love


Imagine, how would you react if you cannot go to the washroom for three days and that too after your marriage? Yes, Tidong community in Malaysia follows this strange custom. The couples should not use the bathroom for three days and three nights. If the duo breaks the rule, it could bring them bad luck in the form of the broken marriage or death of their children. They provide less quantity of food and water to the couple to make it easier for them to follow the weird custom. (Image)]]>

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