This world is becoming more and more interconnected and fast-paced by the day. Many times, a first impression is the only thing you ever get. Your first encounter might lead to a very sincere connection that can open doors to new and exciting possibilities, or it could go the opposite way and be a poor representation of who you really are. It depends on your presentation of yourself and how you’re seen by others.
If you’ve recently seen a dentist in Lincolnwood, or close to you, they may have told you that a person can begin to form a first impression within seconds of seeing you, sometimes even sooner. This is when people will decide whether you’re competent, trustworthy, attractive, pleasing, and more. Your smile plays a big part in that.
Your smile makes an impression that’s a lasting one. According to one study, nearly 33% of Americans said that your smile is the very first thing they notice. Further, nearly 25% of the people in the survey said that your smile is the thing they’ll remember the most about you.
If you want to have a smile that makes a great first impression there are some things you can do. These things go beyond your typical brushing and flossing. Let’s take a quick closer look.
1. Water
We (most of us) still have a tendency to overlook just how important it is to drink enough water. Having a glass of water to drink following each meal is a handy, natural, and quick hack to refreshing your mouth. It can also help remove bacteria and unwanted stains on your teeth. Hydrating can also be a way to remedy bad breath. Additionally, making sure you’re well-hydrated can give your lips a healthier color while also making them appear to be plumper.
2. Hype Yourself
When it comes to smiles, confidence is critical. This might sound a bit silly, but try having a talk with yourself in front of your mirror. Say three nice things about yourself before you head out the door. If you want what you say to be more intentional, it’s important to say them aloud. This will improve your disposition before you get around other people and help you with generating a pleasant and genuine smile.
3. Oral Health
We are going to touch on brushing for a minute, we’d be remiss not to. Brushing your teeth two times daily can go a long way towards maintaining good oral health. This assists with the removal of food debris as well as bacteria from what goes in your mouth and can get rid of any foul odors.
However, brushing alone can only do so much. In time, even with regular brushing, dental plaque can build up and can even lead to the formation of tartar! This doesn’t just look unpleasant, it can also lead to bad breath, gum disease, and toothaches. Try making a good first impression with a toothache. You can’t remove tartar just by brushing your teeth either, you have to go to a dentist.
One of the very best investments that you can make in this world is to invest in yourself, and one way to do that is with your smile. Leaving a good impression can be hampered by crooked, discolored, broken, or even missing teeth. Those things can also leave you feeling insecure and self-conscious. If you want to make a great first impression, the first thing you need to do is to take good care of your oral health. Keep in mind that beautiful smiles come from mouths that are healthy and that you never get a second chance to make a great first impression.
If you’re currently looking for a reliable dental expert, you can check out this dentist in Charlotte NC, or one near you.
Article Submitted By Community Writer