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Eco-art: Jim Denevan’s sand-art is strictly for art’s sake

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Jim Denevan’s art is all about etching his ingenuity on sand. Carving on a vast canvas with naturally abundant brushes (wave tossed sticks); he does it without any measuring aids. It’s all freehand stuff. It usually takes him 7 hours or 30 miles of labor to compose, design rather, a single oeuvre. What makes this art unique is his unconcerned attitude toward these creations. Unconcerned since waves wipe them off, but he never utters a word on this.

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People always ask how it feels to have them wash away, but who would want it not to wash away?

Isn’t it a true projection of an old maxim, art for art’s sake? Well, he’s more concerned with the delight he gets in inhabiting the untouched regions of the world. This clarity of perception allows him to hear the nature’s call, maybe, a shift from the mundane chores.

Amazing works of art:
1) In 2005, Jim Denevan debuted his museum compilation at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, California.
2) In the same year, his work became a part of the Headlands Center for the Arts in Sausalito, California.
3) In 2007, Jim had a show at PS1/MOMA in New York City.
4) In May 2009, he was in Nevada working on a 9 miles project.

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