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How remodelling your kitchen ensures a flatter belly

remodelling your kitchen

<![CDATA[Remodelling the kitchen in a special way has proven effective in shedding the extra kilos. You may be amazed by this fact, but with the ideal design, workspace and right appliances, you can cook up easy, new ways of preparing low-calorie, healthy meals. After all, a healthy diet always begins with an organized and healthy cooking space.

One’s kitchen is not only the hub/heart of the abode, yet this is also the place, which can help them in achieving the weight-loss front. Dieting or low-fat plan does not matter really, as shedding the extra pounds is all about courage and determination. This is all about the change and all about going outside from the comfort zone. For all those who are on a quest for slimming down, below are a few amazing, incredible kitchen remodelling tips that will help one to enjoy a flat belly.


Choose colour wisely:

One may be amazed to learn the fact that certain special colours can make one feel less or more hungry. It has been proven that cool shades such as violet and blue curbs appetite, while vibrant red tones do just the opposite.

Make family and food the sole dining focus:

When family and food are your sole dining focus, you will eat more mindfully, thereby cutting down the chance to overeat. Women who take small bites generally put down their utensils and thoroughly chew each mouthful consume fewer calories compared to those who do not.


Surf for low-cal recipes:

One can keep their tablet in the kitchen and search for low-fat vegetarian recipes, look for eat-healthy message boards as well as keep online food journals. As per research, weight watchers who log to what they generally consume daily have fair chances of losing two times more weight as opposed to those who do not.

kitchen cabinets

Look up:

Install cabinets near the ceiling in the dead area as this will offer ample storage for one to store their ice cream maker, deep fryer and other such kitchen appliances that one should use sparingly as these are likely to encourage one in preparing less-nutritious and unhealthy food.

Trditional wood kitchen cabinets design

Add cabinet organizers:

One will refrain from using the lettuce crisper or non-stick cookware if it is not within their reach. These day’s cabinet organizers are available in all sizes and shapes so that they can keep healthy cooking oils, small-size plates and other essential items and appliances within easy reach.


If you eat healthy, you feel and look healthy. It is always best to stop eating junk, break the habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle. This will definitely make you look and feel good. Nothing is impossible with encouragement and a little will power.]]>

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