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Green Resort: Attitash recycled 22.8 tons of trash last year

attitash ski resort

Some very serious single stream recycling efforts enabled Attitash Ski Resort to get rid of 22.8 tons of redundant materials. Out of the materials recycled by the resort, 11.4 tons amounted to paper and cardboard trash.

Since the Hampshire-based Attitash has always rated recycling as one of its top priorities, it’s a keen promoter of the “Recycle Now” message. It went on to achieve “a combined savings of 187 trees, 45,100 kilowatt hours, 39 cubic yards of landfill airspace, 5,093 gallons of oil, 264 gallons of gasoline and 77,000 gallons of water.”

Now, that’s huge and impressive as well.

Via: TheSkiChannel

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