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Global warming also jeopardizing America’s national security

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After the economy’s falling prey to global warming, it’s now the borders’ turn — America’s national security is in jeopardy! — Yes, the greatest threat is global warming. Terrorism in the US is worsening with the continent likely to be dragged into fights over crisis and shortages of water and other necessities, the top retired military leaders fear and warn in a new report.

The retired U.S. military leaders called on the U.S. government to cap the global warming-causing greenhouse gas emissions. The leaders are also joined by the former Army chief of staff and President Bush’s former chief Middle East peace negotiator.

Just 30 to 40 years to go, and nothing can stop wars over water, amidst increased hunger instability and drought-triggered water crisis. Global warming-induced worsening disease and rising sea levels will not just give birth to more refugees but also an aggressive culture. The predictions made in the 35-page report said,

The chaos that results can be an incubator of civil strife, genocide and the growth of terrorism.

Former U.S. Army chief of staff Gordon Sullivan told Associated Press Radio,

Climate change exacerbates already unstable situations. Everybody needs to start paying attention to what’s going on. I don’t think this is a particularly hard sell in the Pentagon. … We’re paying attention to what those security implications are.

To add to the fear of global warming effects, the report further said,

Weakened and failing governments, with an already thin margin for survival, foster the conditions for internal conflicts, extremism and movement toward increased authoritarianism and radical ideologies. The U.S. will be drawn more frequently into these situations.

The Alexandria, Va.-based, national security think-tank The CNA Corporation has issued the report. Six retired admirals and five retired generals have written it. They warned the world of rampant diseased-future along with water shortages and flooding across the world — mainly the Middle East, Asia and Africa – perhaps making things even worse than predicted!

So, to make our life secured, it is the responsibility of each one of us to take initiatives in curbing global warming-triggering activities – like using low-emission fuel, barring indiscriminate deforestation and over-exploitation of other natural resources – which eventually may magnify to cost our cross-border peace.

So, why not act immediately as responsible civilians of the planet without waiting for the concerned administration to impose and dictate actions on us?

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