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Giving ‘home births’: A rising trend?

Giving 'home births

Giving home birth was prevalent years ago. Gradually, women preferred hospitals for the delivery. However, with a wide exposure to the mechanisms of childbirth and availability of trained mid-wives, the scenario has changed now. Modern women feel confident enough to opt for a home birth despite the disapproval by a section of health experts. Let us take a look at the various reasons which have tempted women to take this decision and make it a trend.

1. Home sweet home

For a laboring woman, it is extremely important to be relaxed, comfortable and deal with the labor pains in her own way. This liberty and a relaxed atmosphere aids her body to release oxytocin and produce endorphins during labor. These hormones help the uterus contract effectively and also decreases the pain resulting into a smooth labor. The best place for a woman to enjoy utmost freedom is her home with her loved ones beside her. The familiar surroundings and cozy environment makes the labor an enjoyable experience for her. She is in charge of the delivery and makes choices which suit her best. In other words, she is in control of the environment at home.

2. Friends and family besides you

If you opt for a home birth, one things that will allure you is that you will have the opportunity to have your family beside you. Unlike hospitals, where there are restrictions on the number and time for visitors, at home you can have your friends around, to relax you. Your spouse can always be there to help you in the delivery which is not the case in the hospitals, where he has to remain as a mere spectator. If you have older children, they too can be present at the time when the baby is born. This way, the older kids get a chance to develop an immediate bonding with the baby which strengthens future relationships.

3. An inexpensive and personalized method

Home birth is definitely much cheaper than delivery at hospitals. It is a boon for a person who is uninsured and saves a lot of unwanted expenditure. The charges of a mid-wife are much less compared to the expenses of the hospital and the obstetrician. In addition to being cheap, it also provides a woman with individual care and preference which is missing in hospitals. A woman is subjected to certain protocols in hospitals which decreases the spontaneity of child birth and induces anxiety and stress regarding delivery.

4. An attempt to avoid C-sections

Perhaps, the most significant reason for women to choose home births is the desire to avoid cesarean sections, episiotomy and medical interventions such as epidural. In fact, women no longer support the scheduled inductions and rather want child birth in a natural manner which is considered best for the child. With home births, the possibility of C-sections is reduced considerably. Also, women do not have to undergo numerous vaginal examinations, IV’s or electronic monitoring in this setting.

5. Mother and baby bond

Home birth enables the infant to latch on to the mother immediately after the birth, unlike the situation in hospitals. The baby stays with the mother once born and is not separated from her for any medical procedures as in the hospitals. This aids in the bonding between the mother and the baby which facilitates in their overall health too.

6. Keep infections at bay

It is less likely for you and your baby to develop any infections with home birth. Home is definitely more hygienic than a nursery for a new-born baby. Moreover, you have the liberty to use natural cleaners, soaps and other recycled items at home according to your choice and discretion to maintain hygiene.

7. Deals best with postpartum blues

In most cases, it is seen that a woman suffers from postpartum depressions after child birth which turns severe too. At times, it affects family relations as well. One of the best things of home birth is that it reduces the possibility of these mental difficulties. Since, the mother and the baby are not separated and the support and care of the mid-wife continues after the delivery, postpartum depressions are less likely to occur.

A woman keen on home birth needs to be well-informed about pregnancy and its care, find an experienced and trained mid-wife and have a plan laid out for emergencies. Just a few things in mind and you are ready to welcome your baby the natural way.

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