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Free-range parenting: your thoughts?

What is free-range parenting?

Are you a protective parent? This may sound like a dumb question as every parent is protective of their kids. But today the times have changed and they have become quite advanced and this advancement has made its way into ways of parenting as well. Lenore Skenazy who is a columnist by profession recently did something that almost every parent will disapprove. She let her son, who is nine years of age to travel the subway all by him with no adult supervision. Her son did come home in a perfect one piece condition and definitely had a wonderful time as well.


Lenore then mentioned this experience she had in New York Sun and the response she got was angry comments from the parents all over the globe. It was a natural reaction as which parent will allow their kid to travel on a subway alone? But this move by Lenore gave birth to a new way of parenting called free-range parenting. Would you like to try this with your kid? Before you answer it let us move on and discuss some more about free-range parenting which is catching fire these days.

A bit more about free-range parenting

Lenore does not think that what she and her partner did was wrong even for a second and she presented some great arguments in her defense. Parenting involves worrying for the child but that does not come in the way of giving them the freedom they deserve to get. Lenore in an interview said that if you try and set your kid free then you will realize that they get a lot of self confidence in them which are a must quality in every kid. Other than that the kid will have many great experiences and they will give him the sense of self sufficiency and happiness.


This may sound good on reading but even the parents who give freedom to their children will think twice before letting their kid walk alone on a subway. Some would consider this move as irresponsible parenting but Lenore begs to differ as she has different thoughts on the topic. The world today is definitely not safe for children as every now and then you hear incidents of abduction and abuse of children but still you need to let go and let your kid build his strength and confidence on his own.

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