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Five perfect bedside lamps for the ardent readers

IKEA Kulla Table Lamp

A lot of us cannot sleep without reading for at least half an hour. Kindle and other reading appliances may help you read comfortable without any lights on but still thousands of people love to read a printed book. Nothing can replace the touch, smell, and cozy feel of a real, printed book. Our paperbacks or hardcover are not illuminated from inside so we need a gentle light by the side of our bed.

Readers do not like to disturb their bedmates or spouses. They want to have a relaxed hour of fantasy and enlightenment before they fall asleep. In the following, you will find some splendid bedside lamps specially designed keeping in mind the requirements of avid readers.

Elise Mini Table Lamp:

The sleek and beautiful Elise Mini Table Lamp will take very little space by the side of your bed. You can adjust the amount and brightness of light easily. The cylindrical shape makes it perfect for any modern bedroom. You can even keep this light in other parts of the room or your apartment. It can light up nooks and corners and give you a cozy romantic ambience. The lamp is also very sturdy and will serve you for a long time.

Cate & Nelson Fiat Lux:

All the avid readers in the world has fallen asleep with their books or magazine spread open on their chest or lying flat, face down on the floor. The Cate & Nelson Fiat Lux lamp enables you to quickly stash your book and go to dreamland. The storage space is sufficient for a few paperbacks and magazines.

IKEA Kulla Table Lamp:

IKEA Kulla Table Lamp

IKEA is known for its beautiful, simplistic, and functional designs. The IKEA Kulla Table Lamp is both simple and stylish. You can keep it by the side of your bed at a convenient height. You will get this lovely table lamp in three different shades. It will cost you only $49.95. The dimmer helps you turn on, off and dim the light just by touching.

Habitat Flute Tube Lamp:

This light has to be fixed with the nook of your bed to provide sufficient illumination. It is convenient for single individuals and couples who love to read together. You can select the size according to your requirements.

Black+Blum Turn Me On:

This light saves space and offers two type of lighting for readers. The lower and sleeker portion has a 25-watt bulb and the upper portion has a 60-watt bulb. You can adjust the illumination according to requirement.


The lovely table lamps designed for the convenience of readers is useful addition to your bedroom décor. They offer style and illumination at the same time.

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