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Five management suggestions for Work-From-Home parents

Being a parent is a full-time job in itself. If you are juggling parenthood with a work-from-home job, it can be quite stressful since you will find yourself unable to give your 100 percent to either job. Also, not finding time for yourself will leave you high-strung and frustrated. We bring five Management Suggestions for Work-From-Home Parents.

Work while the baby is sleeping

If your kid is a baby or a toddler, then try to finish the bulk of the work while s/he is asleep. This is not always possible, especially if you have clients or deadlines, but you may try and manage your work time around the baby’s sleep time. You can work out an arrangement with clients accordingly.

Plan Your Day

It always helps to plan your day in advance, more so when you are juggling two equally important tasks. Also, having a fixed routine will help your family to support you productively. So, maybe you can synchronize your work time and your kid’s study times or give them some light household tasks to keep them occupied. Prepare a chore chart and assign tasks to all members of the family. This will not only help organize your day, but also keep your kids occupied and away from mischief.

Stay equipped with distractions for kids

Have books and toys ready so that your child can read, draw or play while you are working. You can put the toddler or baby in a playpen with the toys near your work table. Just talk regularly so that the child is aware of your presence and paying attention to it.

Take a break

When things get too stressful, just take a break. Take a nap with your baby or maybe go out for a stroll or to buy grocery. The break will make you refreshed and settle your child down while you are busy working again. You can probably play with or read to your baby for a short while to cheer; this will cheer both of you.

Hired Help

Don’t take too much pressure as it will not help you enjoy your child’s company or your work. If the pressure is too much then just hire some extra help. You can hire help on a daily basis or when the bulk of the work is too much or you can keep a help permanently.

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