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Fantastic ways to make your kitchen greener than ever

make your kitchen greener than ever

We have all heard about global warming and how energy emissions are responsible for it but we hardly pay attention. Some think that they cannot do anything about it and all the responsibility of keeping the environment clean lies with the government. This is not true as you too can contribute towards saving energy by making small changes in your life. Not only saving energy but you can contribute in toning down your carbon foot print and live in a more environment friendly way by adapting changes in your kitchen. Kitchen is the place where food is cooked, dishes are washed and you take your breakfast or casual meals. If this place is well organized and follows some environment friendly norms then your life can easily become cleaner and greener. Some helpful tips for making your kitchen nature friendly are discussed in this article.

Buy a smart Dishwasher:

Changing the necessary appliances in your kitchen can bring down the energy cost. There are many new types of dishwashers available in the market that uses less water and consumes less energy yet cleans as many dishes or utensils you need. You can also rinse dishes with hands as this will save energy costs. Fill half of the sink with soapy water and the other half with clean water for washing dishes in less time, using less water.

Eat Organic, Get Local Supplies:

Organic foods are harvested without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. They can poison the soil and pollutes the water and air. If you promote the cultivation of organic crops then you are doing nature a favor. Buying from local farmers will give them encouragement and lead to a better agricultural infrastructure in your own nation. This way you will help in saving fuel costs for importing food from other countries and help your country become more independent.

Choose Cleaning Products with Care:

The chemical products used to clean your kitchen counters and utensils can be dangerous for your family’s health and they get mixed with the sewage water. Try using white vinegar and baking soda for general cleaning and buy detergents or soaps which do not have bio-degradable chemicals in them.

Less Meat, Cleaner Nature:

The cattle are not raised in a nature friendly fashion. They use up lots of water and given hormone injections to produce more meat for us. Eating less or no meat will go a long way in sorting the problem of animal cruelty and also preserve more water for our coming generations.

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