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Encouraging story telling in the kids

Every parent faces this situation when their energetic kid can’t make out what to do when it is raining or snowing outside and when he has championed all the levels in his latest video game. Girls too get bored playing with their Barbies after a time. Moreover, it’s not possible to let them spend the entire holidays with their friends. So what is the best alternative? Experts suggest that parents should encourage their kids to tell or better write stories. Never thought of that before? This article will throw some light on the importance and benefits of inculcating storytelling habits in children.

Getting started

Telling a kid to simply sit down and write stories might not generate the expected outcome. You might need to invent ways for creating interest. For instance, you can start by asking them to retell a story the kid has heard some time ago, to someone else in family. In this way you will be able to judge the way a child receives, processes and recalls the events. It will also give you knowledge about child’s interest and concentration levels. Observe that if the kids’ perception about a story that you narrated while driving similar to most other people or is there something unique about it?

On the other hand, in this process kids will be able to connect with their audience, learning how to emphasize and be a better speaker. They will also learn to modify and react according to their audience’s reaction.

In next step you can actually sit with them giving suggestions about how and what to write about. Writing a unique story should not be a greater emphasis. Hence, don’t react negatively even if you find that your kid has generated yet another version of the Harry Potter or Spiderman. Instead encourage them to write more. Writing enhances the vocabulary, logic and a general sense of creating connectivity between ideas. They will learn how to use transitioning words and phrases like meanwhile, later, next and so on. Remember, appreciation is the key, don’t get very critical about the grammar and spelling mistakes.

As the kids start developing interest, you will not need to force them to sit down and write. Instead, they will be coming to you with their latest piece every now and then. By this time you will be better aware of your kid’s emotional intelligence and interest. Are all his stories trying to be scary or filled with bomb blast and gun fights? Is your small girl trying to write stories that are always filled with fairies and princess? It’s time they need a change. Engage them in a game where they have to complete a story that you think will lead them to a different direction. It is like giving them a ‘fill in the blanks’. If possible encourage kids to tell stories in front of larger audiences.

Some great ideas to develop the skill

Here are a list of ideas that can help them be a young writer or story teller.

  1. Give them an imaginary prop to start their story with, like a flying shoe or magic wand. Make sure that they use it in their story.

  2. Further you can even make some puppets to help them stay focused while storytelling. It will sure help your kid remain busy who otherwise gets fidgety and nervous in front of audiences. Even simple puppets made out of cardboard or colored paper might do.

  3. Organize activities where every kid has to complete a given story. Ask them to narrate their individual stories in the end.

  4. Kids love hearing to their own voice, so always be ready to record their narrations. It will maintain their interest in long term.

  5. Last but not the least, please hear to them and let them complete.

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