Many people believe that eco-friendliness is an expensive proposition, which not every one can follow. On the contrary, adapting eco-friendly measures can actually help you save a lot of money. In the following sections let us look at how it can be possible and what steps you need to take to achieve it.
Eco-friendliness and Saving Money
Reduce energy usage:
If you make a habit of switching off the lights while leaving the room then it can help you save a lot of money on electricity bills as well as benefit the environment since power grids will have to generate less electricity, burn less coal and thereby reduce pollution. Many appliances such as television keep drawing electricity even when they are not on and you need to turn them off completely from the power switch on the wall and not just by using the remote control.
Recycle Wardrobe:
Many of us have a wardrobe full of clothes that we hardly wear. Instead of throwing them off, it is better to donate them or sell them off on sites such as eBay. If you sell them, then it will mean one less garment to be produced thus saving many resources that go into making garments. The added benefit for you is that you will be earning some money from the sale.
Replace the Old Car:
Old cars have higher fuel consumption, give less mileage, have higher repair costs and pollute the environment a lot compared to newer cars. If you are considering selling that old car, then go ahead and do it. New cars are more fuel-efficient; you will not have to think about repairs for some years and are made to follow stringent environment safety norms. Therefore, it is a win-win for you are well as the environment.
Create Cleaning Products:
Many of the cleaning products available in the market have toxic chemicals, which are harmful for your health and environment also. As an alternative solution, you can make your own cleaning products by using things like baking soda, vinegar, castile soap and other essential oils. These products are safe for use as well as protect the nature from further deterioration and additionally help you reduce expenditure on purchase of costly cleaning products.
Food Wastage:
As per USDA, for every $1 we spend on purchasing food, nearly thirty cents worth of food is wasted and thrown away, the reason being it expires, gets spoiled or we purchase more than required. Some of the things you can do to rectify this problem include purchasing only those which you require, visit grocery store when refrigerator is nearly empty and plan things to be purchased and go only once every week.
You will reduce your carbon footprint by lowering trips to the grocery store, lower expenditure on fuel, properly utilize the food items you purchase and avoid wastage. All this means a lot of savings and staying eco-friendly.
Laundry Tips:
Try not to use permanent press cycle since it makes use of an additional twenty liters to give that extra rinse. In addition to it, use washers that have energy star rating, which means using fifty percent less energy and thirty-five percent less water on every load.
Lastly, use cold water for washing your laundry since almost ninety percent of energy used by the washer is for heating the water. Rest assured that clothes would not remain dirty, if you start using cold water. Thus, we see that there are many benefits, you save money on bills, use less water that is precious for us and help save the environment.
Eco-friendly steps are equally beneficial for us and can help save a lot of money, while playing our part in saving the environment.