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Clothes swapping is green, keeps you modish

clothes swapping
Fashion keeps on changing; we just can’t keep wearing the same outfit again and again. So, what about your old discarded clothes? You don’t want them to clog your wardrobe anymore and you can’t through them either. Here, clothes swapping come handy. I haven’t heard of this trend before, however, it is cool to swap your old ones for another.

It will save you from adding more trash to the heap of old clothes, which releases harmful toxic materials in the landfills. In addition to this, the fabric produced due to manufacturing process of clothes also pollutes the environment. Apparently, in this case, clothes swapping seems to be a perfect solution. In spite of throwing your garments in the landfills, you can donate your clothes and, save the environment.

Many retail stores have taken initiative to swap clothes. One such retail MiB Collection by making it Big, Inc in USA has conducted an event for Women Clothing Swap on April 22, which helped in raising funds for Santa Rosa homeless women’s day shelter and has indirectly protected the environment by utilizing the clothes.

Surprisingly, many celebrities too have endorsed the idea, including Lindsay Lohan.

Via: Ode

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