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CFL to replace traditional bulbs, leading to a greener UK


The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of UK has made ways to replace 100-watt and frosted incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient alternatives such as compact florescent lamps from yesterday. Working toward attaining their goal, the department has been functioning with major retailers and UK energy suppliers in preparation.

To build a better future the government started taking green initiatives by encouraged utility companies to help consumers reduce energy consumption and provide energy-saving light bulbs. To go a step further with their efforts, many households were given free energy-saving light bulbs. They also expect a drastic boost in the recycling of energy-saving light bulbs in the coming two or three years.

Recolight is a WEEE compliance scheme for gas discharge lamps. Though these old-style bulbs are not declared as waste electrical and electronic equipment under the WEEE Regulations, yet they are seen ending up in black bin of the householdes. As per the regulations, energy-saving bulbs are what they define as WEEE and they should replace the traditional bulbs for a greener planet.

This enormous eco-friendly initiative will not only not only save some money for the consumers but will also benefit the environment as one million tons of CO2 will be saved per year by 2020.

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