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Blogs Sold For Millions


Hey guys , below is the list coming for all the bloggers to get inspired about. These blogs made fortune in a very little time. Some of them have done it in three years only. They were founded like we have made ours and ultimately  sold for millions, I know it was not happened over night but proper time and right directions have made it possible. Keep investing and re-investing in your blogs, soon the journey will end up with millions in your pocket. The point I want to make is think big and strive hard for it, see around yourself there are blogs doing amazingly good, if they have done it well why can’t me. Let strive and make our life better for now and later.


1- Ugo.com ($100 million)

Founded in 1997 –Sold in 2007

Daily worth- $27,397 approx

Unified Gamers Online(UGO ) was launched by Chris Sherman. Later its name was changed by Action World Inc bought to UGO Networks; though the name didn’t stick for long as it was once again changed to Online Underground. Finally Hearst Corporation bought it for $100 million.


2- Fotolog ($90 million)

Founded in 2002- Sold in 2007

Daily Worth- $49,315 approx



It was founded by Scott Heiferman, in 2002. It grown tremendously and with the span of three years it got into problem when humongous traffic visited the website. Over 20 million visitors come to this site  each month. Hi-Media Group paid a handsome amount of $90 Million for Fotolog..



3- Consumersearch (33 million)

Founded in 1999- Sold in 2007

Daily Worth – $11,300 approx.



In 1999 Derek grew and Carl Harmaan founded Consumersearch,  It was sold to About.com for a enormous  amount of $33 million. It was also honored in the 13th annual webby awards competition in 2009.



4- TechCrunch ($30 million)

Founded in 2005- Sold in 2010

Daily Worth $16,438 approx



This was founded in 2005 by Michael Arrington. It is a very well-known website for technology and gadget niches. Within just five years time this website has grown tremendously, huge traffic has been generated. This website is has very unique and valuable contents. It was sold to AOL for a sums of $30 million.



5- PaidContent ($30 million)

Founded in 2002-sold in 2008

Daily Worth- $13698 approx



This site was basically an online resource for information, News and analysis. It was founded by Rafat Ali, in 2002, It was sold to Guardian Media Group $30 Million in 2008.



6- Tatter and Company ($30 million)

Founded in 2002-Sold in 2008

Daily Worth- $13698 approx



It was founded by Chang-Won Kim and Chester Roh, Tatter and Company or TNC as it is also known, was founded in 2002. It is a blogging platform for the Korean nation. It was sold to Google for an attractive sum of $30 Million.


7- Ars Technica ($25 million)

Founded in 1998- Sold in 2008

Daily Worth- $6849 approx.



Launched in the year 1998, and soon became one of the top and most authoritative blogs with the technology industry,  Ars Technica was founded by Ken Fisher, in 1998. It has great content to offer to its visitor on news and reviews on selected topics. This one was sold to Conde Nast Publications for $25 Million.


8- Weblogs.com ($25 million)

Founded in 2003-Sold in 2005

Daily Worth- $34,722 approx.



Weblogs Inc was founded by Brian Alvey and Jason Calcanis in 2003. Just within two years time it attracted a huge professional readership. Weblogs was sold to AOL against the sum of $25 Million in 2005.


9- Livejournal.com ($25 million)

Founded in 1999-Sold in 2007

Daily Worth- $8561 approx.




It was launched as a virtual community; LiveJournal  offers its user a place, a free open source server technology where they can keep a blog or an online digital diary. Beside this website has lot to offer like a software allowing users to easily create blogs and diaries online they even allowed for calendars, polls, and even have guest writers. It was sold to Six Apart for $ 25 million in 2007.


10- Bankaholic.com ($15 million)

Founded in 2006-Sold in 2008

Daily Worth- $20547 approx.



Bankaholic was founded by John Wu who also created CB Land Investments. Bankaholic is a typical market place for banking and finance. It provides its customers with credit card offers as well as interest rates and personal financial advice. The website sold to BankRate for $15 Million. To there is a team of bankers and financial professionals are working behind it. *]]>

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