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Battle of species: Dolphins outsmart salmon


I always thought of Dolphins as cute and smart creatures. It seems like I am right after all. A recent article talks about how the Dolphins outsmarted the salmon in the Scottish waters. For the fishermen, they have to work hard to get the ultimate catch – the wild Atlantic Salmon. But, for the Dolphins the salmon fishing was just a piece of cake.

The Atlantic Salmon is an unique fish species. It is hatched in fresh water from an egg and then it moves on to salty ocean water to live the rest of the life. In the vast waters of the ocean, it is supposed to feed itself and grow to a larger size. However, the Atlantic Salmon often becomes victims of fish nets and Bottlenose Dolphins.

The Bottlenose Dolphins are very cunning indeed. These Dolphins wait patiently for the catch. In the waters of Moray Firth off Chanonry Point near Inverness, the salmon just sort of appears for the Dolphins. The Bottlenosed creatures don’t have to work hard. All they have to do is just wait. I think, we can easily compare the salmon fishing of a bear with that of a dolphin. Both the creatures wait patiently at a strategic point and let the salmon come to them.


If you are wondering how hungry a Bottlenosed Dolphin can be, just imagine this: an Atlantic Salmon steak that is worth 30 pounds at a London restaurant can be gulped by the Dolphin all at once. We are talking of 10-15 lbs. a piece.

Spectators watching the Dolphin-salmon show must remember that light and the weather are imperative for the catch. The Salmon start their run in the warm waters of April. Whatever it is, the bottom line is that Dolphins have outsmarted the salmons.

Image Credits:
Udel, Scotland

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